Wednesday, May 27, 2020

A "My Face Hurts" Update

Last week, I was complaining about how my face hurts.

How did that all turn out?

Well, I'm dead. It was a face tumor and now I'm dead. 

I hope you're all happy. My suffering amused you and now I'm dead.

Totally dead. 

I mean, would I lie about that? 

OK, clearly I'm not dead. How could I be writing this? 

I guess it was just my usual bout with a sinus pain. I just bumped myself up to a stronger pain medication than regular ibuprofen. In this case, I took Excedrin for Migraines and that did the trick. Once my pain eased off, I was able to get some rest and within a day or two, I was feeling better.

The plus side of being out of work is that I didn't have to worry about missing work to give my body a chance to rest and recover. 

There are a lot of people in this world who do not have that opportunity. I know I am lucky in that regard.

I wonder how much healthier people would be if they could give themselves time to get healthy instead of being expected to push through illness.   

One thing I've had extra time to do is read my own blog. 

Oh God, there are so many misspellings and grammatical errors. 

I feel faint. I may need to lie down.

Got this graphic from Ken Levine's blog: 

The only attention my misspellings and grammatical errors get is from my daughter Randie.  

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