Monday, May 11, 2020

Doctor Who Is NEW!: The Shadow in the Mirror

What's up in the world of Doctor Who? Well, some good news if you were worried about how the coronavirus pandemic might impact the show. Mandip Gil (Yaz) reported in a recent interview that "Revolution of the Daleks", the end of year Doctor Who special, is complete which means that negative impacts on production schedules from social distancing and lockdown measures should not delay the special.

Now what all this might do to the next season, Series 13, that's anyone's guess. Basically any TV show runner for any TV series right now is looking at starting actual production on TV shows... whenever. Shake the Magic 8 Ball. Future still hazy. Try again later.

The notoriously tight lipped and meticulous Chris Chibnall has offered no insights on Doctor Who. I would dare say Doctor Who shouldn't have problems with script delays as writers were probably the only ones who could keep working during this pandemic lockdown.

Speaking of the lockdown, Osgood AND Osgood are dealing with the stress of quarantine in their way. Check out this video with Ingrid Oliver as Osgood in a segment written by Peter Harness.

There's no reference to UNIT's status in this video but clearly the Osgoods are up to speed on the Doctor's current status.

A few weeks ago, I shared a story written by Paul Cornell posted to the BBC's website called "The Shadow Passes". It involved the Doctor in her own lockdown wherein she reflects back in a previous regeneration and a certain family she punished for their transgressions. 

“I sometimes think that’s why I change personality instead of just making my body younger. I need to switch myself off and on again so I can handle all the memories, so a lot of it feels like it happened to someone else. I get a different perspective on what I’ve done. I’ve been thinking a lot about that lately. There’s this girl in a mirror. Where I put her. That doesn’t suit who I am now. When we get out of here…”

Well, the Doctor does get out of there and tries to make good on her goal to fix things with at least one member of the Family of Blood. 


by Paul Cornell

And here we go!

OK, that's that for today, fellow Whovians. Until next time, remember to stay safe and be good to one another.

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