Thursday, May 14, 2020

Report on the Dog Star

How are things here at the Fortress of Ineptitude and our newest inhabitant? 

The outlook is Rosie.  (Oh, look. A pun!) 

Our new dog Rosie is settling in comfortably inside the fortress. In the living room, she has her favorite chair where she sometimes sits to scan the room, trying to figure out these weird humans that fate has sent her to live with. Mostly, she lies down in her favorite chair, lying down on her belly or sometimes lying on her back, her paws stretched out and not all objecting to a tummy rub. 

Below is a photo of Rosie with our daughter Randie.   

Inside, Rosie is quiet and well behaved.

Outside, Rosie is kind of weird.

We have a long leash that gives Rosie about 30 feet out to wander about the front lawn. She either stands in place or lies down in the grass. 

For walks, we use a shorter leash and Rosie goes nuts. She pulls on the leash like she's an NSA hound that's caught the scent of a whole box of weed. 

Rosie pulls so hard, one of Randie's arms is now longer than the other.  

Rosie is still shy of meeting new people but if she sees or hears another dog, she goes to warp drive pulling on her leash.  

Rosie is also very interested in rabbits and birds as well.

Not so much if she encounters a cat. 

Whenever Rosie gets to be a lot to handle, I remind Randie that the dog is technically a rental.  We're officially on a foster home for Rosie until Saturday. 

Like that was ever going to be a thing. Randie fell in love with Rosie on day one. I will be heading to the SPCA on Saturday to make it official that Rosie is part of our family.  

Rosie is a good dog and we're glad she's a part of our family.

It's not like Rosie is going to turn evil and destroy us....


Stay safe and remember to be good to one another. 

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