Monday, May 4, 2020

New Member of the Family

This weekend, the Fortress of Ineptitude welcomed a new member to the family.

Her name is Rosie, a 10 month old black Lab mix.

My daughter Randie has been bugging to get a dog for years. Between issues of Andrea's persistent allergies as well as concerns about space (the Fortress of Ineptitude is not that large), we had not taken than step.  

But everybody being stuck at home for work, school and quite frankly everything, the potential benefits for mental and physical health of having a pet in the Fortress became hard to ignore.

Randie went to work through the SPCA (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty of Animals) to find a dog that would be a good match for us and our environment.

Rosie was an abandoned stray that was turned over to the local animal shelter. She was in bad shape with damaged fur and a nervous psyche. She had clearly been abused.

I find anyone who abuses another living creature, human or animal, completely abhorrent. Those who mistreat dogs are particularly reprehensible. I think most dogs are willing to trust and be friendly. To have those inclinations damaged by those who would hurt them is just the worst thing. 

Her fate at the animal shelter would likely have been death but the SPCA rescued her and nursed her back to health.

We made an appointment with the SPCA for Saturday afternoon. Randie was nervous.  She wanted so badly for Rosie to be a good fit for our family. But what if the damage to Rosie was too great and she wasn't willing to trust Randie or her family?

I must admit I felt nervous as well, It was a feeling akin to what I felt when Andrea confirmed she was pregnant. It was a nervousness on par with what I felt when it was time for our daughter to come out and say hello.

Having a pet is something I take seriously. It is a life entrusted to another to nurture and protect.  If you're reading this and thinking, "hey, it's just a dog, man", then you just don't get it. It's not JUST a dog. This would be a living being who would look to us for food, shelter, safety and love.

A young man named Justin brought Rosie out.  She was clearly very shy and reserved.  We followed as Justin walked Rosie around the SPCA compound. Justin then turned the leash over to Randie and the walk continued on with no problem. Rosie and Randie formed an immediate bond.

It looked like Rosie would be coming home with us.

Rosie has a very calm demeanor but still shows some signs of anxiety on occasion when she paces about the Fortress.  She has an aversion to doorways.  She will stop at the divide between the living room and our kitchen as if there is a wall there. 

She will go into Randie's bedroom when it's time for bed and sleeps by her side. Rosie already has a favorite blanket to rest on.

Rosie eats regularly and drinks plenty of water. While still a bit reserved with Andrea and myself, Rosie seems to feel at home here.

It's a bit weird to have a 4th living being in our home after so long with just the three of us. 

The deal is that we are a foster home for Rosie for two weeks and then we can elect to keep her.

I'm thinking that Rosie is going to be a part of our family for a long time to come.  

Below is a photo Randie took of Rosie in the back seat of our car on the drive home from the SPCA.  

Here's the text from Randie's Facebook post.  

I got a dog!
Her name is Rosie, she's 10 months old, and she's still very shy around people. 

I've had her for like two hours and I already would lay down my life for her happiness.

And I think that pretty well sums this up.

Remember to be good to one another. 

And that includes dogs.  

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