Saturday, May 2, 2020

Songs for Saturday: U2 and Friends

It's time for another edition of Songs for Saturday! Time to slap on the Bat Head Phones and lay down some tunes!

Today's theme is U2 Team Ups! 

U2 is my absolutest favoritest rock 'n' roll band ever. In today's performances, we see the band paired up with other people.  

First up is U2 with a live cover of the Rolling Stones' classic, "Gimme Shelter" with Mick Jagger is own damn bad self joining in on the fun along with Fergie of the Black Eyes Peas (along with Will I. Am in the house). 

Next up is U2 with their own "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For" where they are joined by the Boss himself, Bruce Springsteen. 

Wow, Bruce leans into this thing like, well, a Boss. Damned if Bruce didn't make this U2 classic sound like a Bruce Springteen classic. 

Next up is a song U2 recorded for Rattle & Hum with great blues legend B. B. King, "When Loves Comes to Town".  

I'm embarrassed to say I was slow to originally embrace song when Rattle & Hum first came out. Now this track in one my favorite songs from U2.  

And that's what we have for today. Until next time, remember to stay safe, be good to one another and always keep the music alive. 

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