Saturday, May 30, 2020

Songs For Saturday: Travelling Wilburys, Steve Winwood, Jeff Lynne, Tom Petty, Prince, David Bowie, Annie Lennox, U2 and the Roots

Time to slap on the ol' Bat Head Phones for another weekly edition of Songs For Saturday! 

Today's song selection is based (sometime emphatically and sometimes loosely) on the theme of Super Groups! 

A few decades back, a group of notable musicians got together not for some grand purpose but just for the pure joy of it and ended up producing some really good music. 

Those notable musicians included Bob Dylan, Tom Petty, Jeff Lynne, George Harrison and Roy Orbison and they collectively dubbed themselves the Travelling Wilburys. 

They album of music they assembled, Traveling Wilburys Vol. 1, did not have one  bad song on it. Here is my favorite tune from that album, "Margarita".   

It's sad to think that three of these awesome musicians have passed away. Roy Orbison, Tom Petty and George Harrison.

It was a tribute to George Harrison for our next epic assemblage of musical talent. In a performance of "My Guitar Gently Weeps", here are Steve Winwood, Jeff Lynne, Tom Petty and others including Prince. Never mind any gently weeping, Prince makes his guitar how with rage. 

I'm starting to get bummed out about another theme to today's songs: musicians who are now dead and way too soon.  Prince was taken from us much too soon.

OK, let's stay on this macabre path I appear to be on. In advance of a tribute concert to the late Freddie Mercury, next up is a rehearsal clip with Brian May and the rest of Queen backing up Annie Lennox and David Bowie (oh my God, he's dead too now) with George Michael (also dead now, I'm so depressed) lurking in the background.  Here is "Under Pressure".  

OK, too many dead singers. I need to end this post on an upbeat note. 

I'm kind of stretching the definition of super group but this performance by U2 of "Ordinary Love" on the Tonight Show is one my favorites and I'll use the addition of Questlove and the Roots to include this in today's "super group" theme. 

I hope you enjoyed today's music despite the undercurrent of morbidity running through the first 3 clips.

Remember to be good to one another and always keep the music alive.   

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