Monday, November 30, 2015

Post Thanksgiving Post Mortem

Hi there and welcome to I'm So Glad My Suffering Amuses You, the blog most popular among banana slugs. I'm Dave-El and you've got a little something on, to your right...yeah, there you go. 

Today is the Monday after Thanksgiving. Time to get back to work or to school or to electro shock treatments, you know, whatever you have to get through today. 

Despite all the hubbub with the "holiday season" being fully underway, I'm hoping I get back into some kind of groove for the next few weeks. Stuff's been happening in fits and starts both at work and at home, in my professional life and my personal life. I just want to get go in to work every day, put in my 8 hours (perhaps even work 4 or 5 of them), go home and get a few things done and knock out a post every day on this, the most wonderful blog on the internet with the words "glad" and "suffering" in the title that is NOT an S&M site.   

There's a Nutcase Nathan's post from last week that I hope to actually post this week. And once you read it, I may hope that you will forget it. What's Nathan's business this week? It is a service that, sadly, everyone needs in the end.  But that doesn't mean you can't save some money with some INSANELY LOW PRICES!!!

This weekend, the El family ventured forth from the Fortress of Ineptitude to go see Mockingjay Part 2, the end of The Hunger Games movies. It was not quite as sad as I thought it was going to be. I'm gonna write up that experience this week. 

Caught up on some comic books this weekend and this week's comic book post addresses a question that's come up for me in during the current Batman storyline by Snyder and Capullo: when did Bruce Wayne become Tony Stark? 

The upgrades to the Fortress of Ineptitude has so far yielded superior TV and internet. The hours leading up to that upgrade did not go so smooth and I may still write about that. 

One thing I did not do over the past post-Thanksgiving weekend is do any Christmas shopping. Unless one counts purchasing new lights for the Christmas tree. I really have no idea what to give people for Christmas this year so I'm always on the look out for ideas. For example, this post from Twitter. 

Nov 26
I start watching out for deals before Christmas.
Embedded image permalink
10:07 PM - 26 Nov 2015 

Ass fragrance? Why didn't I think of that? No one wants their ass to stink! OK, I know what I'm stuffing the stockings with this year! Merry Christmas to all and to all, your asses won't smell! 

OK, that's all I've got today. Everyone be good to one another and I hope to see you back here tomorrow.  

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