Thursday, November 5, 2015

Very Veronica

OK, this has got to be the most random subject I've ever posted about on this blog.

Today's topic: Veronica

Er....Veronica who? 


Is there an Urban Dictionary usage of the name "Veronica"?

Urban Dictionary: a veronica veronica
veronica is someone who knows you like a boy and then flirts with him intentionally in front of you. 
She is also known as a slut.

Well, that doesn't sound very nice at all!

Veronica Lodge does NOT approve!
Veronica Mars is staking out my blog.  
Veronica Mars is going to be very bored. 

Veronica Lake is keeping her secrets.

The secrets of Veronica's Closet 

are unfortunately not kept.

Elvis Costello wrote a song called Veronica.

Veronica Johnson is a meteorologist trapped on C-SPAN3. Stay awake, Veronica! You can do it! 

This is someone named Veronica Paris.
Or maybe it's someone named Veronica in Paris?
I have no idea.

Maybe I should bring this blog post to an end.  

Now THIS, this meets Veronica Lodge's approval.

And that brings to an end the strangest, most totally random blog post ever in the history of I'm So Glad My Suffering Amuses You
It may be time for my wife to have that talk with my daughter.

Andrea: Dear, your daddy has finally snapped and he will have to go away for awhile.
Miranda: Well, that's....totally and completely expected.

Tomorrow is another post (possibly from my padded cell). Until next time, remember to be good to one another. Good-bye for now, Veronica.

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