Thursday, April 14, 2016

Ted Cruz Is A Lying Fuck Bastard - Part 11

Hi there! Welcome to I'm So Glad My Suffering Amuses You, a John Kasich blog in a Donald Trump internet. I'm Dave-El and I'm not sure I approve this message. 

After a couple of weeks off, it's time to return to my regular analysis of the words of one of our Presidential candidates, a search into the meaning of truth and the darkness of lies. Welcome to a feature I like to call...

Today's posts addresses a couple of Lying Ted's favorite topics, Radical Islamic Terrorism and Political Correctness.

In response to the terrorist attack in Brussels on March 22nd, Sen. Cruz said, “It is time for us to implement serious vetting and we should not be allowing anyone to come to this country that we cannot vet to make sure that they are not radical Islamic terrorists.”  To illustrate his point, Cruz noted that the woman involved in the San Bernardino, CA shooting last year had “publicly posted on social media calls to jihad.” 

March 22: "And I would note if you look at the San Bernardino terrorists, the female terrorist had publicly posted on social media calls to jihad. And yet the Obama administration in yet another nod to political correctness refused to even to look to social media."

And again a day later: 

March 23: "I’ll give you another example of how political correctness is costing lives. The San Bernardino terrorist, the female terrorist, posted publicly on social media a call to jihad. The Obama administration refused to look at social media because they didn’t think it would be politically correct to look at social media."

There is, according to the director of the FBI, a bit of a flaw in this argument:  There were no such public messages. 

The Dec. 2, 2015, shooting in San Bernardino that left 14 dead was carried out by Syed Rizwan Farook, who was born in the United States, and his wife, Tashfeen Malik, who came to the U.S. from Pakistan in July 2014 on a K-1 fiancee visa. Farook and Malik were killed in a police shootout. FBI Director James B. Comey said on Dec. 16, 2015, that the online communication the FBI had found from late 2013 between the two San Bernardino shooters was in “direct private messages.” Comey said: “So far in this investigation we have found no evidence of the posting on social media by either of them at that period of time and thereafter reflecting their commitment to jihad or to martyrdom.”

For more details on this story, click this link:
Cruz Wrong on San Bernardino Shooter

When reached for comment, neither Cruz nor his campaign could point out any specific example of public social media comments made by Malik regarding her intentions.  

Well, DUH!

It's another one of those patented Ted Cruz claims that certainly SOUNDS true to his target demographic who are already predisposed to believe the worst about anything told to them about President Obama.  It doesn't need to be ACTUALLY true as long as it SOUNDS true.

And this is another reason why we must declare once more...



And that is that for today's post. Another one is coming up tomorrow. Until then, remember to be good to one another. 

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