Thursday, April 21, 2016

Ted Cruz Is a Lying Fuck Bastard - Part 12

“I hate Ted Cruz, and I think I’ll take cyanide if he ever got the nomination." Rep. Pete King (R-NY) 
(Click here for the rest of that story.)  


"America has always been best when she is lying down with her back on the mat."Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) after his loss in the New York Primary. (Yes, he really said that.) 


Hi there! Welcome to I'm So Glad My Suffering Amuses You, a Bronx blog in a Manhattan internet. I'm Dave-El and I'm in a New York state of mind.

Since today is Thursday, let's go ahead and pull the trigger on this week's edition of....

You know, it's a shame how readily we accept that politicians lie. At some point, an elected leader is going to look us in the eye and say something patently untrue. Whether that is through ignorance or maliciousness, it will happen. But some are worse at it than others. Some lie on such a consistent basis that if they were Pinocchio, they would have to drive out to the desert to have room to sneeze.

I mean, their noses would be really, really big. 

Oh, you get that. Never mind then.

Moving on....

So what is it about Ted Cruz that prompts me to add "Fuck Bastard" after "Lying"? What is it about the character of this person-like organism that prompts such scorn from your truly?

To that end, let's take a look at how Ted Cruz has done so far in the race to secure the Republican nomination for President.

As expected, Tuesday’s primary saw Ted Cruz take a beating, coming in third behind Donald Trump and John Kasich. This is not a big surprise. Ted Cruz’s grass roots evangelical appeal (God, I hate using the word “appeal” to describe Cruz) was not going to carry him very far in the Empire State. And that was before Ted’s infamous dis towards “New York values” that remains unforgotten. What is a surprise is that Ted got any votes at all. 

One area Ted came up short was getting any delegates out of New York. Even facing a certain loss, there was a strong chance he could come out  of New York with 5 more delegates to add to his total.  But while he did not pull that off in New York, Cruz has had a very strong ground game in securing delegates at every opportunity in other contests. For example, in states that opted not to have primaries or caucuses but rather select delegates through a state convention, the Cruz campaign has made a full court press to sway those delegates to his side. Trump has ignored these states at his peril and Kasich lacks funds and personnel to compete against Cruz’s significantly larger assets of money and organization. Instead of competing in a larger ranging voting contest where Cruz might not win, Ted can focus on a smaller group of Republicans who are more readily swayed by the #NeverTrump rhetoric. The result is Ted Cruz is shrinking Trump’s lead in delegates and narrowing Trump’s path to the 1,237 delegates needed to secure the Republican nomination on a first vote. And Cruz is doing this by gaming the system.

As much at this weekly diatribe berates the character of Sen. Ted Cruz, I want to make something perfectly clear: Ted Cruz isn’t doing anything wrong. The rules are what they are. They were put in place by the Republican National Committee and accepted by all the Republican candidates last year. If Donald Trump is too stupid to realize that states still pick delegates, even without a primary or caucus, that’s on him or his sentient hairpiece that serves as his principal advisor. But it is telling about the type of person Cruz is that his success comes not from broad range support but from picking around the edges.

Going back to New York, a big part of why Ted Cruz pulled down any votes at all was due to a full on schmooze of the Hasidic Jewish community. They were never going to vote for Trump in a gazillion years. Meanwhile, the Cruz campaign has been courting Hasidic Jews for several months now in anticipation of that Cruz would have no chance at a statewide win but Ted would need to make every possible delegate win count.  Think about it: if Donald Trump goes into the GOP convention in Cleveland with 1,236 delegates, even just one short of the total needed to secure the nomination on a 1st vote, the nomination process goes to a 2nd vote where the committed delegates are free to vote for whoever. And there’s Ted Cruz, grinning that stupid “you just wanna punch him in the face” grin ready to ride the #NeverTrump movement to win the nomination. 

But give consideration to how Cruz gets to that spot, by winning mostly in states with closed primaries (only registered Republicans can vote), caucuses (also closed to just Republicans) and state conventions (you get the idea). In states with open primaries (non-affiliated voters can participate), Ted Cruz does not fare as well. Yes, Ted Cruz could get the GOP nomination for President with an even narrower base of support than Donald Trump.

It's a process that even has the GOP friendly Fox News up in arms. Click here for this little dust up between Ted Cruz and Sean Hannity

Again, let me reiterate: Ted Cruz is following the rules set for by the RNC last year. But what does it say about a man who is trying to get to the highest office in the land not from a broad base of support from the American people but from strategic support from the right people in the right places?

What do I say about such a person?



And that's what I've got for today. Another new post about some damn thing or another is coming up tomorrow.

Until then, remember to be good to one another.  

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