Sunday, June 24, 2018

Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom

We went to see Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom  and let me settle something up front: Bryce Dallas Howard does wear high heels. 

For a couple of scenes. Then she does switch to a sensible pair of boots.  

That out of the way, Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom is a lot of good dumb fun as dinosaurs romp, stomp and eat people. Don't let that last part bother you too much. Most of the people who get killed by dinos were either too stupid to live or real evil bastards. 

Chris Pratt is back as Owen, dino wrangler extraordinaire, exuding that easygoing Chris Pratt charm he's become famous for. Bryce Dallas Howard, without the unnecessary distraction of her footwear, is strong and empathetic as Claire, evolved from high powered business person to political activist seeking to save the dinosaurs.  

And from Jurassic Park, Jeff Goldblum returns as Dr. Ian Malcolm to speak to a Congressional committee to testify that dinosaurs are dangerous.  If anyone was looking for old school Goldblum to team up with new kids Pratt & Howard will be disappointed.  Goldblum's scenes look like they were shot for a "making of" special and not the movie itself. Still, it was cool to see Goldblum's Ian Malcolm stammering his way around apocalyptic warnings of doom once more.   

The movie as a whole is exciting and fun. It does end on a game changing note that really fundamentally shifts the whole human - dinosaur dynamic.  

And there is a post credit sequence that we missed. Is everybody doing this now?   

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