Friday, June 22, 2018

Random Blogging

Hi there!


Time for...

So Li’l Donnie Trump reversed course on separating children from immigrant families? So whoop-de-fucking do for Trump “solving” a problem he and his administration created. And word is that things may not be all that solved. What about kids already separated from families? Who knows?


Melania Trump  went on a trip to go see the kids down at the southern border, an act of kindness and compassion completely undermined by her wearing a coat with a slogan on the back: “I don’t really care. Do you?” Can you imagine if Michelle Obama had worn a coat in any capacity with  “I don’t really care. Do you?” emblazoned on the back? Fox News would be losing its collective shit.


You know what? Fuck politics! Let’s talk pop culture for a bit.


Saw the finale for season 3 of Supergirl this past Monday. I still like Supergirl but dang the show makes it difficult sometimes with some disjointed storytelling choices. For example, Kara’s discovery that her mother and other Kryptonians are still alive lacks emotional impact.  Also the whole deal with James Olsen being Guardian. There’s no build up that National City even knows who Olsen’s armored alter ego is or that the citizens of National City actually gives any fucks about the guy. So Olsen’s out of nowhere agonizing over his identity being outed or not lacks impact since there’s been zero effort on screen before hand to suggest Guardian is even significant to National City. What with the finale showing James Olsen, acting CEo of CatCo, has  been spending his nights as an armored vigilante should be sufficient cause for Cat Grant to come back. And we have sorely missed Ms. Grant’s presence. 


In my ongoing efforts to watch more TV, I recently finished my re-watch of Episodes and I’m almost done with the 2nd season of Santa Clarita Diet which continues to amuses me as much as it disgusts me.  My daughter Randie and I are continuing to make our way through Brooklyn Nine Nine. 

What do I want to watch next? I’m thinking I want to jump into Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt. I’m kind of interested in Glorious Ladies Of Wrestling (GLOW). 


In comics, Brian Michael Bendis is proving to be quite adept at Superman so far. I’m enjoying the Man of Steel mini-series so far.

Also, I’m excited by the news from DC to produce giant sized comics for distribution through Wal-Mart. Anything to put comics in front of people who may not make it into a comic book shop, I’m in favor of. Some of the material to be presented in these titles, I already have but I may buy some issues just to support this initiative. $5 for 100 pages of comics is not a bad deal.  


There was an announcement that producer Alex Kurtzman would be taking over Star Trek Discovery and would be overseeing additional Star Trek TV projects include a  post Next Generation project with Patrick Stewart attached. That project interests me beyond just Next Gen nostalgia but the idea of Star Trek doing something it hasn’t done for a long time: move forward. Since Voyager, Star Trek has just been looking backward. Revisiting the original series in an alternate time line in the current movie series. On television, Star Trek has looked back before the original series with Enterprise and Discovery.  If we can get a post Next Gen series, we can start looking towards new frontiers of the future instead of mining Trek’s history for yet another prequel series.  I would definitely be on board for that.


OK, I should touch base on Doctor Who. I STILL DON’T KNOW ANYTHING!!! C’mon, Chibnall! Give us something! A crumb! A speck! Pleeeeeeeaase!!!!!!

Tomorrow on the blog, look for Episode Four of my Doctor Who fan fiction, The Dalek Planet.


Next week. I’m going to be really super busy and not in a position to post to the blog. So  have arranged for a series of posts to keep you company called Lois Lane Versus. It will be a series of posts as we watch the intrepid investigative reporter for the Daly Planet take on Lana Lang, the sun, racism and death itself. 


Until next time, remember to be good to one another. 



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