Monday, June 25, 2018

Lois Lane Vs. Lana Lang

Hi there! Welcome to I'm So Glad My Suffering Amuses You.

Today kicks off a series of posts called Lois Lane Versus. We take a look at various issues of Superman's Girl Friend Lois Lane as she takes on various challenges.

Why? It's my blog, that's why.

Today, we start our series with Lois's chief rival for Superman's affection, Lana Lang.  

art by Curt Swan and Stan Kaye 

Lana Lang was originally created to be the Lois Lane to Superboy. Much like Lois, Lana had no time or patience for meek, mild mannered student Clark Kent of Smallville other than to prove he was Superboy who she was, of course, madly in love with.

Meek, mild mannered student Clark Kent of Smallville grew up to become meek, mild mannered reporter Clark Kent of Metropolis but he couldn't escape his childhood completely as Lana followed in his footsteps to Metropolis where Lana became a rival for Lois Lane in pursuit of Superman's affections.  

art by Curt Swan and George Klein

Lana's unrequited romance of her youth was a constant thorn in Lois' side, enough so that she even got her hands on some time travel to nip that romance in the bud.

art by Kurt Shaffenberger

More modern takes on the Lois - Lana relationship have been on more friendly terms. But back in the 1960's, Lois had no more hated rival that the redhead from Superman's youth, Lana Lang. 

What's a Lois Lane Vs. Lana Lang post without this cover: 

 John Byrne doing a pretty good Kurt Shaffenberger impression.   


Tomorrow on Lois Lane Versus.

What will our intrepid reporter with the Daily Planet be up against next time? 

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