Thursday, June 14, 2018

Not Dead Yet

It's been a strange couple of days for me.  It began Tuesday as I was walking about three blocks to meet my daughter Randie who was picking me up from work.  It was a warm spring afternoon but even with a long sleeve shirt and a sweater vest, I was freezing.  

By the time we made it home to the Fortress of Ineptitude, I was shivering like my bare ass was sitting on an iceberg.  I crawled into bed covered by a comforter and a blanket and I was barely feeling comfortable. Over the next 24 hours, I've alternated between feeling like I have ice cubes in my shorts or burning up in a sweltering heat.  

My wife Andrea took my temperature earlier this evening and I was running 100.2.   

At 2 AM on Thursday, I'm in a rare moment of balance between the two temperature extremes. 

So far, not dead yet.  

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