Sunday, June 10, 2018

Doctor Who - The Dalek Planet - Episode Three

DISCLAIMER: I'm doing this for fun, not profit. This is not officially sanctioned by the BBC and the producers of Doctor Who. 

In case you're wondering, this storyline takes place between Episode 4 ("Knock Knock") and Episode 5 ("Oxygen") of Series 10. 

To catch up, click here for Episode One and click here for Episode Two.   


The Dalek Planet

by David Long 
Episode Three 

The underground chamber at the university, the location of the mysterious vault. The TARDIS materializes into view.




The doors open, Nardole leading the way exits the box. 

Nardole: Uh oh.

The Doctor and Bill follow.

Bill: Ugh! What hit this place?   

The room is littered with smoldering debris and the entry way to the vault has been destroyed. 

The Doctor: This is definitely not good. The vault...

Nardole: destroyed and...

Nardole steps through the shattered entrance, followed by the Doctor and Bill. Inside is a drawing room with a piano, all battered and destroyed.

Nardole:'s empty.  Doctor, she's escaped.

The Doctor: Don't be daft, Nardole. She didn't escape. She was taken. 

Bill: She? Who?

The Doctor: A Time Lord, Bill. Like me. And now, Davros has her.  Which means Davros as the power to launch his Dalek Planet. 

Outer space, our view spins past stars until it settles on a planet, covered in shadow. As our view shifts, the light of a nearby sun illuminates the planet. It is a strangely shaped planet, appearing as a world sized Dalek.

This is the Dalek Planet. 

We zoom in on the planet through a portal into the interior.

A dimly lit chamber with dull metallic walls. Here we see Davros with a Dalek positioned on either side of him. Before them in the middle of the chamber, there is a person wrapped in cables that serve to bind and suspend this person above the floor. The cable rise up and connect with machinery above.  The person trapped in this tangle of cables is a woman in  long 19th century style dress. This is Missy, the current female incarnation of the Master.

Davros: I see you are awake. 

Missy: I can't say I care for the décor....

Missy twists her arms but is unable to extricate herself from the cables.

Missy: Or any of this really.  I mean, whatever happened to treating a woman with respect, you know? Like a lady. 

Davros: Actually, you are here because I need your help.   

Missy: My help? With some dastardly evil plan, no doubt?

Davros: That is a matter of... perspective.

Missy: Well, if it is dastardly and evil, there may be a problem. I’ve been in this… experiment, you might say, to make me turn… good? But I’m not sure it’s working because right now, all I can think about right now is breaking out of these restraints so I can get my hand around your scrawny neck and giving it just the right amount of a twist until you make a pathetic “ack” sound and then… die.  

Missy smiles.  

Davros: Your cooperation is not needed. You have a specific… physical nature that is uniquely qualified to be of assistance to me.    

Missy: Oy! Isn’t that just typical. Some bloke just picks you up with not so much as a by your leave and couldn’t care less about your mind, just wants you for your body! Hash tag Me Too, ladies! Me… too.   

Davros: Your body, yes. My Daleks will shoot your body with a quite painful and fatal energy blast. And then, my dear Time Lord…. 

Missy (smiling): Time Lady, please. I’m an old fashioned gal.   

Davros: Whatever. At that point, you will be most helpful to me.   

Missy looks at he cables intertwine about her.

Missy: I’m a battery. Oh, you want to trigger my regeneration and siphon off my energy for your nefarious purposes. Oh, dependable Davros. Dependable and dull. Really? This trick did you no good when you did it to the Doctor on Skaro.    

Davros: This time, there is a difference. A world of difference, you might say.   

Missy: Is that supposed to be clever. Because I don’t get it. 

The TARDIS materializes.


Davros: Now this is an interesting development.

Missy: Oh yes! The hero of our story has arrived to save the dear damsel in distress! Oh save me from these dastardly fiends and their foul intentions upon my personage! Save me, my hero! My....

The TARDIS doors open and out steps Nardole.

Missy (deflated): Oh what the hell?

Davros: Who are you are?   

Missy: It's bloody Nardole.  

Nardole steps forth from the TARDIS with a dramatic flourish. 

Nardole: No! Today I am... the Doctor!

Missy: Oh brother.

Nardole: Yes, the Doctor, gadabout of time and space, butting in to things I have no business butting into, all the while poorly mistreating far sexier and criminally underpaid companions. 

Missy: Oh just shut up already and get me out of this!

Davros: NO! I will have your power, Time Lord! I will see my glorious creation brought to LIFE! Fire, my Daleks! FIRE!!!!

Missy: Uh oh.

Nardole (lunging forward): Noooooooo!

The two Daleks on either side of Davros swivel to face Missy and they fire their weapons. 

Nardole hurtles himself in the path of the energy blasts, taking the brunt of the blow, his body glowing in a blue negative energy pattern.


Nardole falls to the floor at Missy's feet. 

Missy: Nardole! No! Why? 

Nardole rolls over to this side, facing Missy, his face grimacing in pain. He fumbles into an inner coat pocket.  

Nardole: The Doctor... said... to save you.... no... no matter....

Nardole pulls our the Doctor's sonic screwdriver*.

*The older sonic screwdriver the Doctor gave Nardole in The Pilot. 

Davros: We are wasting time.  This fool's sacrifice was for nothing!

Nardole weakly adjusts the sonic and points it at Missy. The cables that had held her in place come loose and release her.

Missy drops to Nardole's side.

Missy: You risked your life.... no! No, you... I'm.... I'm not....

Nardole: The Doctor...  thought... you were worth it.

Davros: Enough of this! Daleks! To me!

Missy: The Doctor is a fool.

Nardole: A damned fool... if you... ask me....

Davros: I will have your regeneration energy, Time Lord! On my command, Daleks....

Missy stands up straight to face Davros.

Missy: Hold it right there, Davros!

Missy withdraws from underneath her skirts a small pistol.

Davros: What is that?

Missy: A weapon!

Davros: A small trifle. You cannot stop my Daleks!

Missy: It is a small gun, very dainty and lady like. You know, like me. 

Missy smiles.

Davros: Daleks! FIRE!

Missy: The bullets, however...

Missy squeezes of a shot and the dome of one of the Daleks shatters. 

Davros: NO! 

Missy: Dear Davros....

Missy fires again and the other Dalek shatters.

Missy: The bullets are dwarf star allow!

Missy giggles and affects an American southern accent.

Missy: Well, I do declare! I done gone and shot your Daleks dead!  

Missy's smile drops to a frown as she aims her weapon at Davros.

Davros: You cannot harm me!

Missy: Oh, I see that shimmer in the air around you.  Of course you have a force field. Protect yourself from your own Daleks, am I right?

Nardole groans.

Missy: Oh dear. You're not dead yet?

Nardole: Well, not completely dead. 

Nardole struggles to sit up.

Missy: What does it take to have a good clean simple murder around here?

Davros: I am wondering that myself.

Davros flips a switch.

Missy: What are you doing?

Nardole staggers to a wobbly standing position as a glow forms around Davros. 

Nardole: Looks like... a transmat... to me. 

Davros: Most astute. I will take my leave but mark my words: I will have the power of the Time Lords, from you or the Doctor. Or assault the gates of hell and perdition to locate Gallifrey. I WILL HAVE THE POWER! 

The glow gets brighter and Davros vanishes.  

Missy: Well, now that's just plain rude, if you ask me.

Nardole: I'm not going to miss 'im. 

Missy: Seriously, why are you not dead.

Nardole: Because I'm not completely... whatever I am. C'mon.

Nardole and Missy head towards the TARDIS.

Nardole: My only original body part is my head. Everything else is a mish mash of about 42 different organic species....

A bolt falls out of Nardole's sleeve.

Nardole: And a few mechanicals, as well.

Missy: You are quite a piece of work, Nardole.

Nardole: Literally. 

Nardole takes out the key to unlock the TARDIS but he pauses.

Nardole: Missy, about that gun...

Missy: Yes?

Nardole: How long have you had it?

Missy: Not really sure. Years. Long before my... incarceration.

Nardole: With dwarf star allow bullets?   

Missy: Yes. 

Nardole: You could've blasted your way out of the vault at any time. 

Nardole unlocks the TARDIS and the door opens.

Missy: Hmmmm! Yes, I suppose I could have.  

Nardole: Why didn't you?

Missy: Nardole, a proper lady does not kiss and tell.

She steps past Nardole into the TARDIS. 

Nardole shakes his head and follows her inside.

The TARDIS de-materializes. 


A darkened corridor, in the style of the chamber we were just in.  We see the Doctor and Bill carefully making their way. 

Bill: Doctor, of all the places you've taken me, I think this smells the worst. 

The Doctor: You're not wrong by much. Dalek organic material can be particularly... pungent.  

The Doctor touches the side of his sonic glasses. We shift to his point of view as we see a sonic scan and a read out. Our view shifts back to the Doctor and Bill.   

The Doctor: Especially when there's enough of it to drive a planet.  Hmph! A Dalek Planet! I still don't believe it.

Bill: Doctor, we're in the Dalek Planet now. You kind of have to believe it, eh? 

The Doctor: OK, I believe it but it doesn't make sense. The sheer... logistical problems of a Dalek the size of a world. Such a thing would be powerful beyond measure. Virtually invulnerable. Invincible! But the costs, the complexity of it.  It just.... bothers me.  

Bill: I think there's something else bothering you. 

The Doctor: Something happened on Londontowne. I think I broke a very fundamental rule of time. 

Bill: You don't strike me as someone who is very concerned about rules.  

The Doctor: Well, I'm concerned about this....

The Doctor's sonic beeps. Our view shifts to the readout that indicates a point of focus on the wall. Our view shifts back to the Doctor and Bill.   

The Doctor: Found it! 

Bill; Found what? 

The Doctor: A way in.  

The Doctor's sun glasses make a trilling noise as a hatch opens. Light streams through the opening along with a nauseating mist. 

Bill: Oh my God! That smell! I... I can't breathe....

The Doctor: Stay back, Bill! 

Bill: What are you doing?

The Doctor: I need to go in. I need to see! 

The Doctor ducks down and enters through the opening.  

The Doctor enters through the wall unto a gangway.  He looks down. 

The Doctor: Oh my giddy aunt.   

Our view pans down from the Doctor's perch as we see a very expansive view, like being a mile in the sky over a city. Bit instead of a city, the entire view below is filled with a writhing, pulsating creature with tentacles.  The air is filled with the dull roar of groaning. Then the creature speaks.

Creature: Hello.... Doctor.  

And we cut back to the Doctor, looking horrified.

-------------------To be continued----------------------

 Coming up next week: Episode Four of ... The Dalek Planet. 

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