Thursday, June 7, 2018

Trump Vs. the Eagles

The Philadelphia Eagles were scheduled to come to the White House to celebrate their Super Bowl win this year.

Visits to the White House by championship sports teams have been a thing going back a century or more. It has been described as the least political thing a President can do. Just stand there and smile, posing with a group of athletes, basking in the reflected glow of their championship trophy. It gets everybody some nice, fluffy, feel good press. You would have to be a complete fucking moron to mess that up. 

Which brings us to Donald Trump who disinvited the NFL Super Bowl champion Philadelphia Eagles from visiting the White House.  

First of all, he lied about why he did it.  Li’l Donnie claimed the Eagles “disagree with their President because he insists that they proudly stand for the National Anthem, hand on heart, in honor of the great men and women of our military and the people of our country.”

Get a load of that wording: “disagree with their President”?  

Really? How narcissistic can one guy get?

More to the point, perhaps they simply disagree with the asshole about LOTS of things he has done. 

Never mind that none of the Eagles knelt during the National Anthem last football season.

The mayor of Philadelphia and his chief of staff weren't putting up with this shit.

Damn, you do not mess with Philly! 

Here’s something interesting about this whole anthem protest. It started with Colin Kaepernick who sat during the anthem as a form of protest against the inequality of violence between the police and African American men which was leaving a lot of black men dead. Then Colin was contacted by Nate Boyer, a former Green Beret. The two men met and came to the conclusion that kneeling would show respect for military personnel while still embodying the spirit of the protest.  

Trump keeps pushing the narrative that kneeling in protest during the national anthem is disrespectful of America and its military, a narrative swallowed hook, line and sinker by the under educated white racists that form the hardened, hate filled cancerous core of his support. Remember: virtually every action Trump takes is geared towards throwing red meat to that base. “Disagree with their President”, my ass. Trump doesn’t see himself as “their President”, only as “the President of the people who voted for him.”    

The real reason that Trump rescinded the invitation was to avoid the hit to his ego: 10 or less players were expected to attend. 

So Trump nixed the Eagles meet up and threw a “Celebration of America”, a 10 minute event with patriotic music attended mostly by White House staffers and a "president" who didn’t know the words to God Bless America. 

There was this one unidentified man who, during the national anthem, knelt on the White House lawn.

God bless this man and may God have mercy on this nation as we still have to deal with the moronic, thin skinned Ego In Chief.

And also...  Fly, Eagles! FLY! 

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