Sunday, June 3, 2018

Doctor Who: Finally Some News (or Rumors Of News?)

Hi there!

My Doctor Who fan fiction, The Dalek Planet, will continue next week with Episode Three. To catch up, click here for Episode One and click here for Episode Two.   

Meanwhile, there appear to be some cracks in Chris Chiball's Cone of Silence around Doctor Who Season 11. Chibnall's team have kept a lid on things so tightly, Chris would be right at home on Robert Mueller's team.  

One source I've seen has a debut of October 6th for Doctor Who Series 11.  However, all the  BBC has said that the series will return in autumn which means any date between September 23rd and December 21st.   Apart from that, the BBC have officially said they haven’t landed on a firm date and any comment on the airtime is just speculation.

Right now, the word is that a Doctor Who Season 11 trailer will premiere June 18, right after England's first world cup match which should guarantee a fairly large audience.  

Rumors are that the trailer will show the return of John Barrowman and Eve Myles reprising their roles as Captain Jack Harkness and Gwen Cooper of Torchwood who were last seen on the show in the 2008 season 4 two-part finale. 

Having the Doctor regenerate into a woman for the first time needs someone with some Doctor Who history to comment on this. And bringing back Captain Jack Harkness and Gwen Cooper makes sense as Chris Chibnall was the lead writer for the Torchwood spin off series.  

15 days to go before we get our first look at the new Doctor in action! 


Next Sunday, in this space, my Doctor Who fan fiction, The Dalek Planet, will continue next week with Episode Three.

Davros needs the energy of a Time Lord to jump start his world sized Dalek. If not the Doctor, then who? 

Unless Davros knows about a certain vault....

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