Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Dave-El Strikes Back

Hi there! Welcome to I’m So Glad My Suffering Amuses You, your MAGA hat of a blog in a gentrified Brooklyn internet. I’m Dave-El, an honorary Gorgeous Lady of Wrestling. 

First of all, my apologies for 8 days of “Lois Lane Versus”. It seemed like a good idea at the time but in actual execution….

Yeah, that pretty much sums that up, Spider-Man. 

So what was so terribly important to necessitate having Superman’s Girl Friend baby sit this blog for 8 days?

I was on vacation. 

Wife Andrea, daughter Randie and me David absconded from the Fortress of Ineptitude in central North Carolina and made our way south to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. There we spent a week hanging out in the pool, taking naps and taking more naps.

There is nothing more relaxing than a mid-afternoon nap while listening to the roar of the ocean. We stayed at an ocean side resort we last visited in 2015. We began going there about 14 years ago when Andrea and I began looking for a kid friendly place. When our daughter was a toddler, she loved the sliding down the long red tongue of the giant frog in the middle of the kiddie pool. Now at 17 years old, she’s not so much into the giant frog. 

The resort is not an easy place to check into or get out off. Only 2 of 3 elevators worked the whole week and when there are about a dozen families with heavily ladened luggage carts trying to get to their rooms or check out of their rooms at the same time, it can be quite a stressful event. 

I’m hoping I’ll upload some pics from my phone to share in a later post from our trip.

Coming up on the blog….

  • My efforts to watch as much TV as possible continues. Look for a post on Kimmy Schmidt and GLOW.
  • A post on comic books and why the hell is the New York Times trying to spoil my comics? 
  • Trump still doing dumb shit? Of course he is. Sadly, I will need to address that.
  • And Doctor Who! The conclusion of my fan fiction, The Dalek Planet (about damn time!) AND some news about Series 11 and the 13th Doctor…FINALLY!!!!

 Until next time, remember to be good to one another.  

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