Saturday, July 28, 2018

Doctor Who: Post Con Ponderings

Hi there! And it’s a Doctor Who post!

Looks like the new Doctor was a big winner at last week’s Comic Con in San Diego.  Jodie Whitaker just seemed to be enjoying the whole experience a lot while charming the hell out of everyone.

Here’s Jodie with her Doctor Who mates in a photo with the cast of Brooklyn Nine-Nine.

I’m assuming this photo has already inspire some fan fictions of the Doctor teaming up with the  Nine-Nine squad. Charles is smitten with the Doctor and Amy’s curiousity about how the sonic screwdriver works consumes her while Ryan and Yas suspect Hitchcock and Scully are Slitheen in disguise.  

Hitchcock and Scully are Slitheen in disguise? It would explain so much.  
At Comic-Con, Jodie poses with the life sized Lego replica of the Doctor. 

So that was cool. 

Looking back over the trailer released at Comic Con, there is a character missing: the TARDIS.

As you may recall at the end of Twice Upon A Time, immediately after the Doctor regenerates, the TARDIS goes haywire, kicks the Doctor out and as she plummets to Earth, the Doctor witness the TARDIS exploding and vanishing.

Will the Doctor be without the TARDIS for Series 11?

Fans have caught sight of the familiar old police box on location shoots including a scene where the Doctor and crew are exiting the TARDIS.

And other publicity material show Jodie’s Doctor with the TARDIS.

Chris Chiball did confirm series 11 will be ten stand alone stories and that the series is a good jumping on point for new fans. I can’t help but think that would preclude any extended arc where the Doctor is deprived of the TARDIS. I expect the TARDIS will be back by the end of the 1st episode of Series 11.

I imagine the absence of the TARDIS from the trailer is playing to that concern about it’s fate after exploding at the end of the 2017 Christmas Special. 

The Doctor Who panel at Comic Con was a lot of fun despite the fact no one could talk about anything relating to the new season. Chibnall was rather insistent that Series 11 is all about looking forward with all new worlds, aliens and monsters.  Well, that’s cool. I’m all for moving forward but I would hope there’s room for at least some small look back to the past. Look, after a lifetime of 2,000 years plus, the Doctor is for the first time in the form of a woman. We have to have at least one person from the past to react to that on screen.

One rumor was that person would be Capt. Jack Harkness. Jack would be a good choice. We haven’t seen Jack in a episode of Doctor Who since Russell Davies’ swan song. And Chris Chibnall did write for the character when he was running Torchwood.

Another character from the past that could make an appearance is Kate Letheridge Stewart, head of UNIT. Again there is a Chibnall connection since he wrote Kate’s first appearance in Doctor Who in The Power of Three back in Series 7.  I  would love to hear Kate repeating her father’s classic line upon seeing the Doctor has changed form: “Well, here we go again.” 

The thing is, regardless of gender change, the Doctor changing form should be a big deal and I like to see that acknowledged on screen by someone who knows. 

You know what else we didn’t get from that trailer? A release date. Look, I need to know when this fershlugginer thing is coming out so I can make sure my social calendar is clear to see these new episodes. 

Disclaimer: I do not have a social calendar. 

OK, that’s enough babbling about Doctor Who today.  Now for the anxious wait for actual episodes!

Last Sunday’s blog post on former Fox News person Kimberly Guilfoyle was one of the most read posts on I’m So Glad My Suffering Amuses You within the last couple of weeks.

Well, I’ll all about giving the people what they want. So….

Tomorrow’s post is a sequel as we look behind the scenes of Kimberly’s fall from grace as a Fox News LEGend. 

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