Thursday, July 19, 2018

Still Here?

Has Li’l Donnie been impeached yet?

No and not likely, anytime soon.

If ever.  

Now you might think what does it take to get rid of this guy? That fucking idiot stood there on foreign soil spoke badly of his own country and while holding in high regard the leader of a nation taking hostile action against us.

If that isn’t an impeachable offense, then what the hell is?

To those who thought that finally Trump would get his comeuppance, have you not been paying attention for the last 3 years?

Trump said nothing he hasn't said before a thousand times. The only difference is where he said it and who was standing next to him.

And do not underestimate the deep commitment that Trump's enablers have made towards sucking on his teeny, tiny dick. While even Fox & Friends had some negative things to say about Trump's remarks in Helsinki, the machinery is already moving into place to put this in the rear view mirror and any associated hubbub is just a hostile media attack.  

Note that on Tuesday, Trump actually deigned to concede an error. In the sentence "I don't see why they would", Trump claims he meant to say "wouldn't". 

That's the wind up. Now here's the pitch.

So Sarah Succubus Sanders can come out and chastise the press for relentlessly attacking Trump for just getting a single word wrong.

Never mind that 1) the change in "would" to "wouldn't" makes the sentence non-sensical and 2) does not change the narrative of any of Trump's prior remarks.

Trust me, that will be the narrative going forward. "The Fake News media is in a tizzy because Donald Trump got one word wrong." Sanders, Guiliani, Conway and others will use it. Trump will use that line at his next rally.

The point is, if not that then something else. Any normal standards involving ethics or legality or even shame just do not apply for Li'l Donnie Trump and the sniveling sycophants who serve and support him for their own selfish intents. 

Sorry to be such a bummer but damned if I know what will rid this nation and this world of pestilence. After the new low Trump sunk to on Monday, in the intervening days I've seen nothing but the opportunity to watch him and his supporters sink even lower. 

Trump still in the White House?  

Sadly, yes.   

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