Saturday, July 21, 2018

Doctor Who: From the Doctor In San Diego To Pigs In Space

Hey, let’s do another Doctor Who post.

Unless you want me to bitch about Donald Trump some more,

I mean, there is a lot to bitch about, you know.

OK, Doctor Who it is!

 Hope everyone enjoyed the Doctor Who trailer that premiere Thursday at Comic-Con. It was short but it was sweet, conveying just enough to give us a hint about the joy, wonder and fun that is to come.

Do I want more? Of course I want more! Screw trailers! I want the show itself, already! Produce faster, Chibnall! Faster!!!

But until then, the trailer has given me just enough of a taste to make me feel positive about the future of the best show on television.

And Jodie Whitaker was a delight at Comic-Con. It’s not just enough to have the shock value of “Oh, look! The Doctor is a woman now!” I think Jodie really has handle on what the Doctor means to us all. Her joy at being the Doctor is palpable.

Here's a link to the full Doctor Who panel at Comic Con.     

Jodie Whittaker made a surprise appearance on the Her Universe Fashion Show runway Thursday night at Comic-Con International. 

“Don’t I look great?” Whittaker asked the cheering audience as she modeled a hooded coat inspired by the Time Lord’s jacket.

Awe, brilliant! 

While we’re looking to the future, some past Doctors were back in action in a most unusual place.

During performances of Muppets Live, the Doctor shows up for Pigs In Space!

But which Doctor?

In one performance, the Doctor was the 5th Doctor portrayed by Peter Davison himself!

If You Tube hasn’t pulled it down yet, click here to take a look-see.

In another performance, Peter Davison’s son-in-law is put to work. Yep, it’s David Tennant as the 10th Doctor!

And again, if You Tube hasn’t taken it down yet, click here to take a gander at Davidin action.

Both versions follow the same script and both have a sequence where one of the pigs regenerates through various Muppets that look like all the versions of the Doctor.

Including the current one.

I wonder how Jodie Whitaker feels about being cosplayed by Miss Piggy? 

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