Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Holy Batrimony!

I hate it when people writing about comics in general or Batman in particular resorts to "Holy <Fill in the blank!>" but look at what I done did.

Holy Batrimony? Really?

Wednesday, Batman#50 goes on sale featuring the much anticipated wedding of Batman and Catwoman.

How's it going to turn out? Will both the Bat and the Cat say "I do"? Or will something go wrong? Could Mr. Freeze show up and give one of these two cold feet?

I guess who will have to wait until Wednesday when Batman#50 goes on sale.

Or you could already know because you read about it in the freakin' New York Times!  

The comic book fan boy in me is giddy that comic books are getting mainstream press. But really, spoiling the wedding details days in advance of the book actually going on sale?

Now if you're looking to me to discuss those details, I have thus far have successfully avoided the details revealed in the NYT article. But for an internet busy-body like me, it ain't been easy. 

The whole thing with spoiler culture is this insistence on knowing about things before those things happen. There have been movies I have felt like I've already seen by the time I get to watch them because of the preponderance of advance looks at the movie and the details spoiled therein. 

Ditto for TV shows and comic books. There this insistent drive to get the scoop on what happens next. Spoilers are the illicit tradable commodities among pop culture enthusiasts.

Why, pray tell, is it so important to know what happens in Batman#50 before Batman#50 can actually happen?   

In this case, I think DC has a vested interest in driving non-comic book fans to the comic shops by saying up front what the reader will be getting.

Is this is just a comic book fake out? Is it an "imaginary story"? Is this for real? 

Still, there is something for being surprised. In the world of spoilers, being surprised is an even rarer commodity. 


Speaking of Batman, I was at work on teleconference meeting from my desk and began idly doodling on the dry erase board next to my desk and produced this: 

Holy Dry Erase Markers, Batman!

Dammit! I did it again.   

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