Monday, July 16, 2018

Doctor Who: So... What's New?

It was just after 12 noon on Sunday here at the Fortress of Ineptitude when I checked on the status of the World Cup Final between France and Croatia. 

France was up 2 - 1 over Croatia at the half. 

Half time! 

Which means....


Where's the trailer? Where's the trailer? Where's the trailer? 

Hey, there it is! 

Joined by my wife Andrea and daughter Randie, we gathered around to watch the first new officially BBC sanctioned footage from the new Doctor Who starring Jodie Whitaker.  

And it was....

It was.....




So we open up in a cafe with companion Ryan. This is followed by companion Yasmin hanging out in someone's home.  Then it's companion Graham in a diner reading an  issue of Beano.  

Across the tableau is lots of pizza and some wierd energy arcing all over the place. Then... she appears. 

The Doctor, an ethereal image the becomes solid as she smiles and...

We're done.

We're done? 


So this is less of a trailer and more of a teaser. 

But come on!!!! I need more!!!

But on further inspection, there is more going on than immediately meets the eye. 

With Ryan, someone with a glowing hand and the sleeve of a certain coat dips what might be a fish finger into custard. 

Someone has gotten the last slice of pizza leaving Yasmin with an empty box. Suddenly the house quivers, there's a weird spark of energy, we catch a quick glimpse of a person's leg with a long coat. Then Yasmin checks the empty box and there's a whole pizza in there.  

Similar stuff happens with Graham as his reading material changes to an issue of Beano. (And not just any issue but the same issue of Beano the 11th Doctor was reading at the start of the The Rings of Akhaten back in Series 7.)   

Click here to view the clip on You Tube.  

I have to admit, the first time I saw this, I was a bit disappointed. I wanted to see a proper trailer with the Doctor speaking and leaping into action, doing Doctor stuff.  

But on further analysis, this teaser is a sweet encapsulation of what Doctor Who can be.  

So I'll give the teaser a thumbs up.

But I still want MORE!  

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