Thursday, July 5, 2018

Holy Batrimony II: Electric Boogaloo

Yesterday, I made it by the best local comic shop in the universe, Acme Comics to get my hands on some comic books, including Batman#50, the big epic issue featuring the wedding of Batman and Catwoman. 

If you haven't already had that spoiled by the New York Times, you might be wondering how that all went down. 

More on that... after the break. 

WARNING: there will be SPOILERS! 

The issue is mostly drawn by Mikel Janin who has been my favorite Bat artist during the Rebirth era. Interspersed through the issue are 1 page illustrations by a bevy of artists. These single page entries are more than just pin ups designed to pad out the page count but actually propel the story. The emotional heart of this issue is in these pages as Bruce and Selina take introspective turns looking at themselves and their relationships with each other.   In these pages, writer Tom King captures the sheer power of love and affection Bruce and Selina have for each other. 

Which makes what happens at the end all the more heartbreaking. 

Or as Comic Book Resources put it: 

Sadly, the wedding of Batman and Catwoman is the wedding that wasn't.  

Selina realizes that a happy Bruce Wayne cannot be the Batman the world needs. Batman is a hero who has saved so many people, the whole world even. He does this without powers, just a driven force of will to excel and this drive comes from sacrifice. That sacrifice is Bruce's happiness. 

Selina realizes her sacrifice is her love of Bruce or else it would cost the world the Batman.  

But is there more going on?  

Let's talk about the last page. 


Holly Robinson, Selina's long time friend and her choice as maid of honor at the wedding, returns to Arkham Asylum.  

With a report. 

To Bane!

Ooh boy. 

Surrounding Bane are The Riddler, The Joker, Psycho Pirate, Ventriloquist & Scarface and Hugo Strange. 

Also Gotham Girl is there whom Batman went through a hell of a lot of trouble to cure of her psychosis.

Wait! Is that Skeets, Booster Gold's trusty mechanical companion on the ground? 

And the dude in the Batman costume? Is that Thomas Wayne, the Batman from the Flashpoint universe?  

What the hell? 

Everyone in this image represents almost every plot point and story arc in Tom King's run that began two years ago in Batman: Rebirth#1.  

How much of what has happened in the last 50 plus issues has been part of Bane's plan? 

What kind of long game is Tom King playing at here? 

Yeah, I have to admit I'm a bit bummed out that the Bat and the Cat didn't actually tie the knot. And the heart breaking way it all fell apart was just

Tom King, you're an evil bastard, you know that? 


I do really like to see what happens when a writer gets to play out the string on a long plot. I am enjoying what Tom is doing with Batman. 

Even if it breaks my heart.   

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