Wednesday, August 22, 2018

A Dark Day For Trump?

How do you know it’s dark when your eyes are closed?  


I saw this headline on NBC News website Wednesday: 


A Dark Day For Trump. The Darkest Day For The Presidency Since Watergate.


Yeah but does Donald Trump know that?


Tuesday, Li’l Donnie was in West Virginia for one of his rallies to make him feel better. Here are some of the things that were on his (for lack of a better word) mind. 


“It was just announced by ESPN that rather than defending our anthem, our beautiful anthem, and defending our flag, they decided they just won’t broadcast.”


Our anthem and our flags are symbols for a country that’s all about freedom. ESPN wants the freedom to not have to deal with this shit.


“How many Chevrolets are there in the middle of Berlin? Not too many. Maybe one? In Beijing, a Chevrolet Camaro costs $119,000!” 


“My mom made the greatest turkey you ever had.”


Well, she certainly gave birth to the biggest one I’ve ever seen. 


Trump talked about his Supreme Court pick, Brett Kavanaugh: “Central casting! How do you vote against him?”


The criteria for being a Supreme Court nominee per Trump: look like you’re a judge. Or to put it another way: white middle aged male.


A Dark Day For Trump?


Do they know that in West Virginia?  


When asked about Paul Manafort’s conviction and Michael Cohen’s pleading guilty, here is what rally attendee Rick Hunt had to say about that.


“All I know is everybody makes mistakes. But if they try to take Trump out of office, there’s going to be a revolt.”


“Everybody makes mistakes”? Well, that’s a very understanding and forgiving perspective, Rick, and…


Wait! Trump mentioned Hillary Clinton.

And the crowd responds: 


“Lock her up!” 

“Lock her up!” 

“Lock her up!” 


Yeah, Rick.  Everybody makes mistakes. 


A Dark Day For Trump?


Well, by all accounts, it should’ve been. Here’s everything that went down in one day. 


Michael Cohen

Trump’s former fixer and personal lawyer pleads guilty to felony crimes that included illegally paying women hush money to help Donald Trump win the presidency in 2016. Most important, he said he did so at Trump's direction.


Cohen’s attorney Larry Davis had this to say:  “What he knows that he witnessed will be of interest to the special counsel. He will tell the truth to everybody who asks him about Donald Trump.”


Don’t toy with us like that, Larry. Stormy Daniel’s attorney has been stringing us along for too long now. Don’t go breaking our hearts, Larry. I don't think I can stand the pain. 


Michael Cohen is not alone on the Trump Chumps Parade of Felonies:    


Trump's national security adviser, Michael Flynn

Trump’s deputy campaign manager Rick Gates

Trump’s campaign adviser George Papadopoulos  


Paul Manafort

Trump’s onetime campaign chairman is convicted on eight counts of bank and tax fraud. 


Paul was up on 18 charges but the jury deadlocked on 10 of them. That ratio of 8 out of 18 is being played up on Fox News and various right wing outlets as a point of weakness in Robert Mueller’s efforts. 


The thing is a hung jury is not an acquittal no more than it is a conviction. If 11 out of 12 jurors were convinced of Manafort’s guilt or innocence on any given charge and juror #12 can’t get on board with that, VOILA: hung jury!


Trump did go on Twitter to speak his praises of Manafort as a brave man for facing up to a jury trial as opposed to Cohen who took the coward’s way out by copping a plea and making a deal. 


And let’s not forget this “brave man” was convicted on 8 counts of defrauding people, banks and the government. 


Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Calif.

An early endorser of Trump for president, Hunter was indicted on federal charges that he violated campaign finance law. Just a couple of weeks ago, Rep. Chris Collins, R-N.Y., another Trump political ally, was indicted on charges related to insider trading a week or so ago.


A Dark Day For Trump?


It should’ve been. Three people in one day, advisors, helpers, allies to Donald Trump, all caught  breaking the law, joining a long list of names of others caught in the crosshairs of the law. 


But in Trump’s world, no, not really. 


It’s hard to know the day is dark when you don’t open your eyes to see. 

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