Thursday, August 30, 2018

The Loyal Foot Soldier Who Wasn't Loyal Enough

Nothing pisses off Li’l Donnie Trump more than the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election led by special counsel Robert Mueller.

Except maybe Attorney General Jeff Sessions who has been the frequent target of Trump’s ire and insults.  Sessions recused himself from the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election due to Sessions’ own potential conflicts. This really ticked Trump off who has reportedly considered firing Sessions as Attorney General.
The thing is, Jeff Sessions as Attorney General has been pretty much in lock step with Trump.
The Religious Freedom Task Force which was a direct sop to Trump’s evangelical supporters, Sessions brought it into being.
Trump’s campaign rants about crime have been answered by Jeff Sessions who has directed the Department of Justice towards more forceful prosecution of federal drug crimes, even in states where marijuana is legal. 
On immigration with that whole zero tolerance thing at the Mexican border? Trump’s dream come true when it came to border security and it was Sessions who helped make that happen.
All in all, Jeff Sessions as Attorney General has been a loyal and dedicated foot soldier for Trump. He should be checking off all the boxes on Li’l Donnie’s loyalty bingo card.
Instead, Trump berates, insults and undermines Sessions at every opportunity and all because of one thing: Sessions recusing himself from the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election. Because Sessions can’t make the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election go away. 
Until recently, Trump has been alone in his condemnation of his Attorney General. But that has changed. 
Sen. Lindsey Graham said recently that “We need an attorney general that can work with the president, that can lead the Department of Justice. This relationship is beyond repair.” 
When asked whether the only problem Trump had with Sessions was his decision to recuse himself from any federal probe into Russian election meddling, Graham replied, “It’s much deeper than that.”
Really? I’m kind of curious as to what that might be.
Of course, in addition to not making  the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election go away, Sessions has not obliged to take up a laundry list of alternative  investigations that Trump has suggested against his political enemies. 
He’s still itching to know more about Hillary Clinton’s emails, folks! 
So I guess there' not just 1 strike but 2 strikes against Jeff Sessions: not stopping investigations that Trump doesn’t like and not starting investigations against people Trump doesn’t like.    
Sen. Graham also said that any new nominee must allow special counsel Robert Mueller, who is investigating Russian interference in the 2016 election, “to do his job.” 
“Is there somebody who’s highly qualified that has the confidence of the president, will also understand their job is to protect Mueller? Yes, I think we can find that person after the election if that's what the president wants,” Graham said. 
What the holy hell is Lindsey Graham smoking?  
Trump wants to replace Sessions so he can stop Mueller.
Let’s cut the bullshit: the only Attorney General that will have the confidence of Donald Trump will be the one to understand their job is to fire Mueller.  
Other politicians on Capital Hill who have defended and supported Jeff Sessions are now speaking out that maybe Donald Trump should show him the door and be sure the door slaps his ass on the way out.
And unlike Graham’s head in the sand, these other pols who are saying this to appease Donald Trump and seek the end of Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election.  
Outside of Washington, DC, others have taken up the call for Jeff Sessions to go. 
Jerry Falwell Jr said he’s urged President Donald Trump to fire Jeff Sessions as Attorney General. 
You may recall earlier when the zero tolerance border policy took hold and children were separated from their families. It was a cold and heartless action enforced by Jeff Session’s emphasis of absolute law over compassion. He even quoted the Bible to give himself some moral cover. 
There were church leaders who spoke up at the time, leaders who werer uncomfortable with Session’s actions and his use of scripture to provide an excuse for taking children away from their families. Jerry Falwell is supposed to be a God loving, upstanding Christian person. Maybe it’s Sessions’ actions that hurt children that has given rise to his objections to Sessions remaining as Attorney General.
Well, no. That little problem doesn’t come up.
Nope, Falwell cites the investigations into Russian election meddling as the reason the attorney general has lost evangelicals' support.  
Jerry Falwell Jr  had this to say: “He really is not on the president’s team, never was. He’s wanted to be attorney general for many, many years. I have a feeling he took a gamble and supported the president because he knew he would reward loyalty.”
Get a load of Falwell’s assessment of his Session’s character, as an opportunist who supported Trump in order to be rewarded for loyalty. Never mind Sessions’ creation of the Religious Freedom Task Force. Or Sessions’ toughness on crime.  No, per Falwell, Sessions is guilty of the crime of not really being on Trump’s team. 
And it’s not just Jerry Falwell Jr.
“There’s growing disillusionment in the conservative faith-based community” with Sessions, said Gary Bauer, president of American Values, a faith based educational group.
So called faith leaders are turning on Jeff Sessions, a man who has consistently and for decades fought in the political trenches for conservative Christian causes.   
But that now apparently counts for shit. 


In the next post: Trump will lie to anybody, even preachers! 
UPDATED  8/30/2018    1:19 PM EDT 
Earlier in this post, I postulated 2 things Trump hates about Jeff Sessions.
  • Not stopping investigations that Trump doesn’t like
  • Not starting investigations against people Trump doesn’t like

I was just now reading an article on Politico and we can add 3 more things Trump hates about Sessions.     

  • The attorney general doesn’t have the Ivy League pedigree Li'l Donnie prefers. 
  • Trump can’t stand Session's Southern accent
  • Sessions isn’t a capable defender of Trump on television, in part because he “talks like he has marbles in his mouth"

OK, I'm pretty sure that Jeff Sessions did not have an Ivy League law degree when Trump nominated him to be Attorney General.

Also, I do believe that Jeff Sessions did indeed have a Southern accent when Trump nominated him to be Attorney General.

And as near as I can recollect, Jeff Sessions was talking "like he has marbles in his mouth" when Trump nominated him to be Attorney General.

Given how many high school drop-out, inbred, Southern accented morons voted for Donald Trump, you might think Trump would be a bit more circumspect about criticizing Southern accents. 

But no. So we know how little Donald Trump respects Jeff Sessions and I think we can assume there is an equal or even lesser amount of respect for the many high school drop-out, inbred, Southern accented morons voted for him. 


OK, guys! There is another Trump themed post coming up later today. I am so sorry about that. Starting tomorrow, I'll endeavor for blog posts to be Trump free.  


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