Monday, August 27, 2018

Misstates Vs. Lies

Checking out what's going on in the news, I came across this headline: 

Trump Misstates Approval Rating in Latest Poll

Trump tweeted this Sunday night: 

"Over 90% approval rating for your all time favorite (I hope) President within the Republican Party and 52% overall. This despite all of the made up stories by the Fake News Media trying endlessly to make me look as bad and evil as possible. Look at the real villains please!"

Truth please? 

A poll released Sunday by the Wall Street Journal and NBC News has Trump with a 44% approval rating while 52% DISAPPROVED of Trump's job performance. 

The same poll did find that Trump has a 90 percent approval rating among Republicans, compared to a 10 percent approval rating from Democrats.

So let me correct that headline:  

Trump Lies About Approval Rating in Latest Poll

There! Fixed it.  

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