Friday, August 10, 2018

BREAKING NEWS ON FOX: “Fuck It! We’re Racist!”

Fox News host Laura Ingraham on Wednesday lamented the demographic changes in America from immigration ― including the arrival of legal immigrants. Ingraham decried “massive demographic changes” that have been “foisted” on Americans.

“In some parts of the country, it does seem like the America that we know and love doesn’t exist anymore. They’re changes that none of us ever voted for and most of us don’t like. Now much of this is related to both illegal and, in some cases, legal immigration that, of course, progressives love.”

So the pundits on Fox News are not even going to pretend they're not racist assholes?  

Well, it is their key demographic so who can blame them, right?

I'm going to let Sahil Kapur have some on my blog space with this comment he posted on Twitter.  

I’m a broken record on this but demographic anxieties and the changing face of the nation are far more motivating to Republican voter behavior than esoteric principles about taxation and the size of government. The rise of Trump is testament to this phenomenon.

— Sahil Kapur (@sahilkapur) August 9, 2018

Ever since Donald Trump's inane descent on that escalator in the summer of 2015, the engine that has driven him is not some particular policy goal or a deeply held ideology.

When Donald ranted about the Mexico sending over its worst, this was not an appeal to a policy of improved border security and better immigration laws. It was an appeal to fear. 

As Sahil Kapur said, what drives Trump and his power over his base of supporters is fear. Fear of an America that looks "different" from Trump and his base of supporters. Fear of those who are not "us".

Fear of "them". 

If you are black or brown, you are "them". 

If you are Muslim or Hindu, you are "them". 

If you are gay or trans gender, you are "them". 

If you are "them", you are not "us".  If you are not "us", you do not belong in "our America". The America that belongs to "us"

Laura Ingraham's message is one born of fear. 

Not to mention ignorance. 

Notice that she says "legal immigration that, of course, progressives love".  When did the concept of legal immigration become a partisan issue? 

When Laura Ingraham and her ilk on Fox News decided on further divides of "Us" versus "Them".

"Us" is conservative. "Them" is liberal, progressive. 

I really think it's a shame that Laura Ingraham's view of America is so small, so weak.

But fear will do that to a person. 

Hey, coming later today on the blog, stay tuned for...



UPDATED, 7:24 AM Eastern Time

Thursday night, Laura Ingraham defended her Wednesday night monologue saying those comments “had nothing to do with race or ethnicity, but rather a shared goal of keeping America safe and her citizens safe and prosperous.” 

Which is of course bullshit because she clearly cited "changing demographics" in her Wednesday remarks and guess what? race or ethnicity are components of  demographics. 

She also said merit-based immigration “does wonders for our country’s economy, our way of life and how we define our country.” 

Excuse me while I call bullshit on that to. Her comments on Wednesday included "legal immigration" as part of the problem and clearly was dismissive of legal immigration as something progressives love. 

Conservative commentator S.E. Cupp wrote for CNN regarding Ingraham's comments: "To many, that sounded racist. That’s because it is.”

As to Ingraham's Thursday night mea culpa, Cupp still wasn't buying it. 

"No. You said EXPLICITLY that even legal immigrants were why America is unrecognizable. You don’t get take backsies."

Was Ingraham's comments from Wednesday night really racist? Hey, let's check in with an expert.

Former KKK leader David Duke expressed praise for Laura Ingraham's comments in which she lamented the “massive demographic changes” caused by immigration.

If the former leader of the KKK thinks you're making sense and likes what you're saying, yeah, you might be a racist.

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