Thursday, August 9, 2018

Dave-El Says Nice Things About Seth Meyers And Then Things Take A Bad Turn

"It's funny because it's true."  

Nowhere is that axiom of comedy more in play than in the late night comedy and talk shows that have skewered the excesses and absurdities in the current political climate that has delivered unto us Donald Trump. 

Stephen Colbert on CBS has been razor sharp in his assessments of Trump, his behavior, his words and his actions as well as those sniveling snakes who enable Li'l Donnie's every moronic thought and deed.

Although seen as just a comfortable everyday schmuck type of amiable late night host, Jimmy Kimmel has his moments of wading into the political fray, shedding light on Trump and the political lackeys who support him.

Hell, even Jimmy Fallon who caught a lot of grief for being nice to Donald Trump when he guested on the Tonight Show during the campaign in 2016 (Jimmy tousled Donald's hair!) has had to call out some of the stupider statements and activities of Trump president. 

But among all these hosts, the most insightful stuff that pokes holes in the current political shit storm we live with every day happens on NBC's Late Night with Seth Meyers.

Three times a week, Seth Meyers holds court on a long form segment called "A Closer Look" which typically can run about 8 to 10 minutes to explore not just that Trump said something stupid today but why it is stupid and the dangers of the stupidity not being answered or stopped.    

"A Closer Look" is not short on laughs even as Seth lays a ton of sobering facts about the damage Trump and his minions are doing to democracy, the environment, relationships with allies... well, to everything.

I think Seth Meyers and his crack team of writers and researchers are to be commended for the comedy and the knowledge that bring in the current political climate and should be lauded for....


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