Wednesday, August 15, 2018

I Hate You, Aquaman !

Over on one of my favorite blogs, Diversions of the Groovy Kind, the Groovester posted some splash pages inked by Bob McLeod for DC

Including this one from an issue of Aquaman.

What had been going on was a plot line where Aquaman foe Black Manta had kidnapped and killed the infant son of Aquaman and Mera.  

Mera was understandably not happy about that. And in her moment of grief and rage at her husband who she holds responsible for her son's death, she calls him...


As we are reminded in the helpful opening recap caption, Aquaman was born Arthur Curry.  But hardly anyone ever called him Arthur. 

Not even his wife. 

When she was feeling more friendly, she would frequently address her husband as "husband".  


But generally speaking, people addressed Aquaman as "Aquaman".  Even fellow sea dwelling people. Really, aren't all the men in Atlantis more or less Aquamen.  

But in the case of the page above, Mera in a rage over the death of her son calling her husband Aquaman just seems weird.  

The Comics Code Authority was still in force back then so I imagine Mera wasn't allowed to call him "you heartless asshole".  

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