Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Where My Head Is At

Hi there!


The last few posts to I’m So Glad My Suffering Amuses You have been rather spare as far as text is concerned.


A few reasons for that:


  1. Work

My job involves a great deal sitting at a computer writing and editing. Coming home to sit at a computer to write and edit anything, even for my own personal use or enjoyment, is not something I’m always prepared to do. Lately, I have a number of projects that are jockeying to be #1 on my to-do list at the same time so that’s been a thing impacting blog stuff.


  1. Politics

Quite frankly, I am really tired of talking about politics. I have posted a lot of political stuff because it is an extremely disturbing time in my lifetime and I feel compelled to document how I feel about that.  The thing is the sheer volume of things said and done by Donald Trump and his complicit cronies that are stupid, heartless, illegal, unethical and more is just so damn overwhelming to keep track of.  I know it’s important to not give up and give in to despair.  That is exactly what Donald Trump and his complicit cronies are counting on. But damn, it is so hard. 


  1. Mental health

To be blunt, I’ve not been in a good place mentally. I have ongoing issues with depression and anxiety.  Anyone who deals with depression and anxiety or knows someone who does, it’s not always an even continuum. Even with drugs and therapy, there are good days and bad days. It seems there have been more bad days lately. Maybe I can chalk some of that up to more pressure at work and the current political environment that quite frankly depresses the hell out of me.  Regardless of cause, my mental state is not in the best place. I’m working on that.


Anyway, that’s where my head’s at. 

Thanks for reading and remember to be good to one another

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