Saturday, August 4, 2018

This Earth, This Realm, This... Where the Hell Are We Again?

Li’l Donnie Trump took a moment during his political rally in Wilkes-Barre, PA  Thursday night to mention the “great respect” he has for one of the United States’ closest allies ― whoever they are.

“I have great respect for the U.K. ― United Kingdom ― great respect. People call it Britain. They call it Great Britain. They used to call it England ― different parts.”

The president seemed confused by the difference between the U.K., Great Britain and England ― suggesting that the names can be used interchangeably and that one of the names is perhaps out of date.

OK, I hate to admit this. I mean, as a big Doctor Who fan. I really, really, really hate to admit this but….

It can be a bit confusing to me too, this whole "England/Great Britain/United Kingdom" thing.

So let's use Trump's stupidity as a positive, as a learning opportunity. And who says we can't have FUN while we learn?

So let’s play a game called “Hey, Doctor, Where the Hell Are We Now?” 

The TARDIS has materialized in London.

The Doctor pops her head out of the TARDIS.

“A-Ha! We have arrived!” 

Stumbling out after her is a pasty white middle aged man. It’s ME!

“Hey, Doctor!” I ask, “Where the hell are we now?” 

“Well, David! We are in London, England!” the Doctor replies.

“England?” I scrunch up my face all confused. “I thought it was called Great Britain.” 

“No, England is still England. Great Britain is the island where England resides along with Wales and Scotland.”

"Wait! England is not Great Britain?" 

"No, David. England is IN Great Britain.  

“Are Britain and Great Britain two different things?"   

The Doctor rolls her eyes. This is the last time she chooses a companion from the United States.

“Britain is Great Britain.”


“People add ‘Great’ or leave it off. Depends on one’s mood or who they’re trying to impress, I suppose.”

“So Great Britain….or just Britain is a group of countries…”

“England, Wales and Scotland, yes!” 

“I thought that was the United Kingdom.”

The Doctor sighs. Americans, really!  “No, the United Kingdom is a sovereign state comprised of four countries: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.” 

“OK, OK, OK. I think I got this. We’re in London…. Which is in England… Which is in Great Britain or just Britain… Which is in the United Kingdom, right?” 

“Yes!” the Doctor responds brightly. “I do believe you’ve got it!” 

Now if we can only teach that to Li'l Donnie Trump. 


OK, the next post is really truly a Doctor Who post AND totally Trump free. I promise.  

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