Friday, August 24, 2018

Trump Discovers Africa

Hi there! I'm Dave-El and as sure as Kilimanjaro rises like Olympus above the Serangeti, this is I'm So Glad My Suffering Amuse You. And today's post has some surprising news!  

Hey, y’all sayin’ that Donald Trump is a racist? Get a load of this: he came out in support of African farmers! That’s right, you hard working brown skinned farmers of Africa, Donald Trump’s got your back! And everyone wants say he’s a racist and a---

Hold on. I’m being handed a bulletin.

OK. I need to make a bit of a correction. Yes, the farmers ARE in Africa. But they are WHITE. 

All right. Let’s regroup. Take a deep breath and let’s get to the bottom of this.

So what fresh hell is this? 

Well, as is most things involving Trump, it starts with Twitter.

What caused this to pop into Li'l Donnie's tiny, tiny brain?

Please note the @s for Tucker Carlson and Fox News. 

It seems that Tucker Carlson was doing a story spotlighting  land reform proposals by South Africa’s parliament aimed at accelerating black ownership which apparently is leading to a white genocide by the country’s black majority. 

Yes, it's Fox "News" and Tucker Carlson so of course there are some holes in the plot. 

To address that, let’s start with some history.

During the 19th century, white colonists known as Afrikaners dominated South Africa’s black majority through terror and violence.

In the second half of the 20th, white people dominated South Africa’s black majority through a formal system of legal discrimination known as apartheid.

And also through terror and violence.

Under apartheid, black South Africans were barred from owning virtually all of their country’s agricultural land. 

Apartheid was bad!  (BOO!) 

But then apartheid ended! (YAY!)

But by the time South Africa became a democracy in 1994, whites accounting for 10% of the population owned 90% of the land.

OK, how does that get fixed? Well, not easily. As of today, whites accounting for 8% of the population own 73% of the land.

A law was passed in2016 empowering South Africa’s government to force white land owners to forfeit their real estate — in exchange for market-price compensation. 

Which presents some problems.


There is a moral imperative to-


There is a moral imperative to right the wrongs of nearly two centuries of oppression.


There are legal and economic considerations in a policy that allows a government to just step in and take land from somebody who owns it, even if the person is a white guy whose great-great-great-great-great grandfather came to this country, saw some land and figured, “Hey, no one important is using this. I’ll take it! We’ll put up a gazebo over there, plant some rose bushes over here and can somebody remove these irritating Negroes? Thank you. Wait! Bring a couple of them back. We need someone to plant the rose bushes."

Meanwhile, there are a lot of black South Africans who are thinking this shit is taking too long and looking to the far-left, Economic Freedom Fighters party whose strategy is “Fuck market-price compensation! Let’s just TAKE the damn land! And tear up some goddamn rose bushes too!” 

As you might imagine, white supremacists are eating this shit up. Oh no! White people facing oppression! And genocide!  

South Africa is triple X race porn for white supremacists in Europe and the United States.  It’s a white population genuinely vulnerable to discrimination by a government dominated by nonwhites with a lot of pissed off black people ready to take the land of white families.  

And those families are being (dramatic pause) MURDERED!!!

Time now for: LAW & ORDER: SOUTH AFRICA!   

Let’s be honest: South Africa has a lot of violent crime. 

Maybe not on par with Chicago but it’s a lot, OK?  

People get killed and that’s a tragedy. And as a matter of fact, some of those being killed are in fact white farmers. And it’s not been pretty. Not that murder ever is. But some of these white farmers have been killed very brutally and yes, by dark-skinned assailants. 

With a lot of pissed off black people left to boil under centuries of oppression, that much resentment is going to explode. 

Which is not to excuse murder. Understanding motives is not condoning actions. 

The staff and management of I’m So Glad My Suffering Amuses You condemns murder in all forms. It is the official policy of this blog that murder is bad.  

But a couple of caveats about all the killing in South Africa.

  • The number of attacks and murders on South African farms has actually been sharply declining since the turn of this century.
  • In the late 1990s, about 150 South African farmers were murdered each year.
  • Now, that number is below 50.

OK, maybe still too many farmers being killed but hey, those crazy kids in South Africa are trying to make this work and the numbers are going down. So... progress? 

Meanwhile, murder rates in white rural areas remain far lower than those in predominantly black townships which really messes up that whole “white genocide” narrative.

But facts hardly get in the way of white supremacists with a story to sell.

And facts hardly get in the way of this guy.

Now this is where Donald Trump comes in, sitting alone in the Lincoln bedroom with his cheeseburgers watching Fox News and there's Tucker Carlson with his white genocide in South Africa story which gets Li'l Donnie's attention for 5 minutes.  

There is NO empirical evidence there is any “large-scale killing” of white farmers in South Africa.  But it's a story white nationalists have been pushing years and Tucker Carlson is more than happy to pass it along to the Racist In Chief.  

NO empirical evidence? Why would Donald Trump worry about having all the facts now?  

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