Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Life Would Be Better If...

From a series of Tweets posted this past Saturday.

I had some ice cream, maybe strawberry? Nothing fancy.Yes,

I had some ice cream...


...brought to me in a bowl of pure silver. And it was brought to me by my smoking hot model wife...

..and her smoking hot best friend! Yes, definitely I had ice cream in a silver bowl brought to me by TWO hot women..

..while I rest by my beautiful swimming pool! I had ice cream in a silver bowl brought by 2 hot women by my pool...

...behind my big honkin' mansion! Yeah, I had ice cream, a silver bowl, TWO hot women, a kick ass pool & a mansion!

CARS! I forgot cars! Shiny powerful sports cars! I had ice cream, silver bowl,2 hot women, a pool, a mansion & cars..

Oh, gotta have money! I wanna be a billionaire! OK, I had ice cream....I need re-think this---screw the ice cream..


Brian W. Jackson‏@brianwjackson
...and all the powers of the universe and all deities


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