Thursday, April 18, 2013

Happy Anniversary, Superman!

It was 75 years ago when this appeared:
Inside was the first adventure of Superman by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster and it changed the face of comic books...forever! And that is not just hype. It really did! What we know of modern comic book super heroes today, it all started right here. Action Comics#1 is the wellspring that begat Batman, Capt. America, The Flash, Capt. Marvel, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman and so on, ad infinitum.
Also debuting in this same story was Lois Lane, a strong and capable reporter who was more than a match for poor old Clark Kent. Her reputation took a bad hit in the 50's and 60's that tended to portray her as a Superman stalking shrew. Thankfully, interpretations of Lois matured and she proved herself to be a formiable and caring partner to Clark Kent/Superman in work, adventure and marriage.
 I know in the current (Brr!) New 52 (don't get me started!), Superman and Lois are not a couple but on this day of celebration of the debut of those two crazy kids trying to make it in this world, one as a tights and cape wearing super hero, the other a go-getter investigative reporter, I want to take this moment to say to Lois and to Clark, "Here's to a happy..."
Uh, Lois?
Oh, boy. Ah, why don't we just let those two be.
Happy 75th, Superman and Lois Lane!
And to Jerry and Joe: you done good.
Pics are from a variety of sources including The Grand Comics Database ( and Comic Book Resources (
Dave-El, Superman's long lost kid brother*, can also be found on Twitter at
*"We must remind you that it was agreed in court that you would stop making that claim." Superman's legal team, the firm of Stern, Ordway, Jurgens & Simonson, Attorneys at Law,  Swan Tower, 100 Weisenger Ave, Metropolis USA 

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