Sunday, March 31, 2013

#Headlines for Sunday, March 31, 2013


We're coming to the end of Easter Sunday. And much like Palm Sunday last week, the day has been cold, wet and grey?

Tomorrow is supposed to be sunny and pleasant...just in time to go back to work.  Well, isn't that always the way?

We have #Headlines to make snarky comments about. Let's do this thang!

#HeadlineCardinal Dolan: church must embrace gays, lesbians” But not too close, like hugging that aunt you don’t like at family reunions.

#Headline North Korea: Nukes are our country's 'life'That and stamp collecting and following Dennis Rodman on Twitter.

#Headline Radar watches Hawaii volcano 'breathing'Radar is such a perv.

#Headline Prince William takes on new role in reality series Wacky but loveable neighbor.

#Headline  Oil pipeline ruptures in Arkansas, forces evacuations Let me tell you a little story about a man name—GLOOMPH! Glub. Glub. Glub.

#Headline Signed copy of 'Sgt. Pepper's' sells for $290,500 I have a bottle of Dr. Pepper Vanilla Ice spit in. How much?

#Headline Pope brings new style to Easter Mass Gangnam Style! (That punchline will NEVER get old, right? Hello? Anyone?)

#Headline 'Thrones' vs. 'Walking Dead': Which show's best? And thus began the great and terrible war that tore the Earth apart!
For the actual stories behind the actual headlines, go to

And I am also on Twitter at

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