Wednesday, March 27, 2013

#Headlines for Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Hi, boys and girls, welcome to I'm So Glad My Suffering Amuses You or ISGMSAY for short. (Warning: if you do try to say the short version, you may be mistaken for a stroke victim. If that happens, milk it for all it's worth: free food, money, pity sex.)
If you have come over from Twitter (, you may look below and say, "Damn, Dave-El, it's the exact same unfunny #Headline shit you do on Twitter!"
Well, I beg to differ; these #Headlines are different.
This shit is in color!
1. #Headline Court skeptical on DOMA law Scalia & Thomas note DOMA was not in the original Constitution so it needs to go.
2. #Headline Justice Kennedy: DOMA may violate states' rights States should have the right to be assholes without federal help.
3. #Headline Evangelical leader: Religious freedom is at stake So who’s left in the Bible to hate on? Know any Philistines?
4. #Headline Pope chooses simple apartment over regal Vatican suite It’s closer to the Vatican City Hooters.
5. #Headline Fourth sinkhole opens near Tampa Sinkholes used to be so hip, now they're popping up everywhere.
6. #Headline Florida school apologizes for 'Jesus'stomping Were the kids involved gay? No? OK, you’re forgiven. Just don’t be gay. OR stomp Jesus, that too.
7. #Headline Republicans upset with their own party Well, gosh darn it, Cindy forgot the clam dip & Brad bought sub-par vintage wine.
8. #Headline Will Prince William lose his job?”     Or maybe he'll only be demoted to Assistant Prince
9. #Headline How did dinosaurs do it? Very carefully And only with the lights on. (I have NO idea where I was going with that one)
10. #Headline ’Unpredictability’ makes Kim Jong Un dangerous That and his pool of mutated North Korean super piranhas!
Thanks for dropping by. There's something new semi-new newish every day. For quality enterntainment and insightful reasoning more of this stuff, always think of  I'm So Glad My Suffering Amuses You (or that ISGMSAY thing if that works better for you.)
And if you want to see what a real blog looks when done by a pro, check out If you watched enough quality TV, you've seen this man's name in the credits of MASH and Cheers. Funny stuff from a brilliant writer.

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