Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The Lord Will Provide: A Parable

I heard this story years ago and it continues to resonate with me so if you don't mind, I would like to share it.
There was a woman who lived in a house and it began to rain very, very heavily. A rescue worker drove up in a Jeep and said to the woman, "You best come with me. A flood is coming."

But the woman refused, saying, "I am a faithful Christian. I trust in the Lord. The Lord will provide."

And the waters rose. Eventually, she had to retreat to the 2nd floor of her house. And then a rescue worker paddled up in a boat. "You need to get in the boat. The flood is only going to get worse."

But the woman refused, saying, "I am a faithful Christian. I trust in the Lord. The Lord will provide."

And the waters continued to rise, forcing the woman to retreat to the roof of her house. Now a helicopter has come and a rescue worker yells thru a mega phone, "You need to climb the ladder. We can take you to safety."

But the woman refused, saying, "I am a faithful Christian. I trust in the Lord. The Lord will provide."

But the waters rose further and she drowned. She was indead a faithful Christian and her soul went to heaven. Still, when she met St. Peter, she was a bit bothered. "I was a faithful Christian. I trusted in the Lord. And yet I drowned. Why?"

St. Peter was a bit puzzled. "Well, this is most peculiar as you trusted in the Lord and, yes, the Lord provides." So St Peter consulted his books and exclaimed, "Ah yes! It says here the Lord sent a Jeep, a boat and helicopter."

I always liked that story. Because you never know when or where or how the next big miracle will come in life. And that God works best when He works thru ourselves and we help one another.

But if you learn nothing else, learn this: the #1 rule for water safety is...don't drown. _________________________________________________________________________
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